PCI DSS Compliance

PCI DSS Compliance

PCI DSS is a comprehensive requirement to provide payment account data security developed by American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc Inc International from the founding payment brands of the PCI Security Standards Council.

The PCI DSS program aims to provide protection against credit card frauds and abusive information that are common in e-commerce transactions through banking and financial institutions and cause serious loss. To be able to do this, the PCI DSS program predicts and fixes weaknesses in security processes, guidelines and website configurations. The main purpose of this program is to ensure that credit card account data is stored securely in accordance with PCI DSS at member merchants and financial institutions dealing with credit cards.

Having a PCI DSS certificate means that your systems that process, transmit and store sensitive credit card information are safe and that your customers can rely on you for their credit card processes.

In addition to that, we can list the following items as additional benefits;

  • Business Bank (Acquirer) and Payment Marks (Visa, Mastercard, etc.).
  • It is a regular ongoing process and keeps the organization alive against information theft and security attacks.
  • It facilitates your compliance with other standards. (Cobit, ISO 27001, etc.)
  • The institution is a solid foundation of information security.
  • IT is triggering opportunities for infrastructure improvement.

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